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The Pandemic Brings Opportunities

It may not feel very easy to find reasons to be grateful for 2020. The Coronavirus Pandemic has been truly awful for everyone, old and young, rich and poor, some worse than others, but ultimately everyone has suffered for an extended period of time. We’re all in the same life boat, and it has been relentless. However, whether we see it yet or not, we have grown and evolved, on micro/macro level (personally within ourselves and as a global society). We all have more in common today than ever before, which has the potential to create more empathy and tolerance, greater understanding and a greater desire to understand. The poet Rumi has a famous quote, “It is through the wound that the light comes in.” Last year has certainly been a wound; a wound that is still festering and will take longer to heal yet. It is our wish that 2021 will usher in more light to the world. May this new year bring us more compassion, kindness, tolerance, generosity of spirit, and loving respect!

We appreciate our readers, customers, family and friends who have encouraged and supported us as we’ve launched during this pandemic. We are also grateful to Corbin Doak and Adam Melcher for all of their help behind the scenes in the digital space. We are really excited to start working with Media Maven, who will be helping us get the word out about our wallet medication-cards. In closing, we feel blessed to be able to help people with patient advocacy, medical billing problems, and medication safety. These things, not surprisingly, are needed more now than ever and we are committed to helping.

Happy New Year!

Justin, Tami, Mike, Anand, and Jenn | Patient Advocate Alliance LLC