About Our Team
Patient Advocate Alliance is comprised of 3 partners from diverse professional backgrounds who are committed to helping people get better and enjoy safer medical care for a reasonable price.

Tami Rockholt, RN, BSN
As a Registered Nurse for over 25 years, Tami Rockholt has gained valuable experience and knowledge in acute hospital nursing care. She spent time in many areas including the Emergency Room, Critical Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and Labor and Delivery. In 1990, due to a serious ski accident which left her with significant physical issues and prevented her from working in a hospital setting, she became a Registered Nurse Auditor for several Insurance claim auditing firms.
In 1997, utilizing her auditing experience, Tami founded Health Cost Management. She managed that company as it continued to grow, until in September 2010, Health Cost Management was acquired by ExamWorks, Inc.
At the present time, Tami is continuing her practice as a Nurse Consultant, reviewing medical records and bills and testifying as a medical billing expert witness. In addition, she represents INFORM Software Corporation, a provider of automatic fraud detection software.
Her real passion is helping patients who need assistance navigating the healthcare system.

Michael Fossey, MS, CPMA
Mike spent most of his career developing equipment for the aviation and semiconductor industries.
Since 2003, he has been deeply involved in medical billing and coding. While general manager of Health Cost Management, he developed bill review software for application in auto injury claims. During this time, he also provided data analysis for a number of fraud projects for special investigation units and law enforcement, including the FBI.
Since 2011, he has consulted for INFORM Software Corporation has played a key role in the development of their algorithms to automatically detect medical bill fraud with their RiskShield platform.
Mike is now a Certified Professional Medical Auditor and is focusing his efforts toward medical billing fraud projects, as well as teaching about medical billing fraud in various settings.

Justin Groode, MD
Justin received his medical degree from Columbia University’s joint program in international health with Ben-Gurion University in Israel. He then completed an internship in medicine with Harvard Medical School, at the Cambridge Hospital, and residency in family medicine with the University of Massachusetts Medical School. In addition to his experience as a primary care physician, Justin has extensive training in functional medicine, which enlists a more holistic approach to health and illness.
Justin worked in Boston, Massachusetts until he moved to Hawaii in 2015, where he met Tami Rockholt and Mike Fossey and later decided to join forces with Mike and Tami, and Anand Sharma, in the forming of Patient Advocate Alliance. Justin shares a similar passion for helping people learn how to navigate the complexities of being both a patient and a consumer in our privatized healthcare system. Justin is especially concerned about the high prevalence of harm caused by medications, given his experience caring for patients who’ve been harmed by their medications as well as some alternative supplements. He is a strong proponent of prevention above all, and believes fervently that PAA’s Medication Card will save lives by helping medical providers and pharmacists know what medications and supplements their patients are taking.
In addition to Patient Advocate Alliance, Justin has founded and continues to develop a health supplement company called Pathway Formulas. Justin also consults for the medical legal billing field, and has been a four-time return guest on Dr. Kathleen Kozak’s public radio program about human health, called “The Body Show.” Justin is extremely excited to launch Patient Advocate Alliance.