Do you worry about your parents or grandparents as they get older? In this article from the Wall Street Journal, there are some great ideas on how to use technology to ease your worry and increase the safety of your loved ones remotely.
The article highlights some tips on how to lay the groundwork, ideas for monitoring and safety, and ideas on in home care.
One really great tip was to use Older Adults Technology Services Inc. (OATS), a nonprofit that provides free tech courses for seniors at its centers around the country, has moved its courses online, with video tutorials that offer instructions on everything from setting up an Apple ID to using Zoom. OATS also provides device recommendations and operates a hotline that seniors can call for tech support (920-666-1959).
Click here to read the Wall Street Journal Article
There are many other resources out there to assist you, including AARP, but this is a great place to start.
Ms. Jenn Landers | Patient Advocate Alliance LLC Edited by Dr. Justin Groode