Feel Good – Practicing Wellness While Working From Home

I don’t think any of us ever imagined working from home would become the norm. With our work and home home lives suddenly colliding, we are trying to tackle all of our households needs and our employers needs, take care of our family and friends, and somehow fit in time for our personal health and wellness. It sounds like a daunting task. As I participated in a phone conference recently where I heard dogs barking, children playing and what sounded like a dinner party in the backgrounds of different peoples calls, I thought to myself, organized chaos is the new normal in most of our lives. With that, today’s post is about health and wellness while working from home.

Hopkins Medicine recently posted an article on their website with many suggestions for staying centered and healthy while working from home during a pandemic. They suggest some helpful tips, including:

  • Try not to look at your cell phone for the first 15 minutes of your day
  • Spend 1-15 minutes on self-care
  • Breath for stress relief
  • Stay active, move and stretch, indoors and out
  • Eat well, eat meals rich in plant-based foods, especially green leafy vegetables and fruit
  • Bring a little nature into your home office
  • Listen to music that inspires you
  • Stay focused – use social media conservatively
  • Practice Mindfulness

Click here to read the article from Hopkins Medicine

Feel Good - Practicing Wellness While Working From Home 1

Indiana University provides seven tips to prevent burnout and improve wellness while working from home. Their tips are:

  1. Set Boundaries
  2. Find a routine, but not a super rigid one
  3. Show compassion to yourself
  4. Be creative in creating safe social activities
  5. Engage in self-care
  6. Take time off
  7. Measure productivity differently

Read the full Indiana University article here

The bottom line is, even with all the chaos in the world, we are all in control of how we handle the situations around us. Stay strong, do what works for you long term, and focus on developing healthy habits.

Ms. Jenn Landers | Patient Advocate Alliance LLC
Edited by Dr. Justin Groode