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Covid-19 Antibody for All Variant Discovery Brings Hope

According to an article published in “Nature” there is hope on the horizon for a COVID-19 Antibody that works on all variants. While this still still being tested in the lab, it is very hopeful news.

Check out the article here:

This article, from the Berkeley Lab, has additional information and explanations:

While it is in the early stages, we remain hopeful.

Sotrovimab, the newest antibody therapy, was developed by GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology after a large collaborative study by scientists from across the nation discovered a natural antibody (in the blood of a SARS survivor, back in 2003) that has remarkable breadth and efficacy.

Experiments showed that this antibody, called S309, neutralizes all known SARS-CoV-2 strains – including newly emerged mutants that can now “escape” from previous antibody therapies – as well as the closely related original SARS-CoV virus.

Ms. Jenn Landers | Patient Advocate Alliance LLC
Edited by Dr. Justin Groode