When Is It Safe To Be Around People Who Have “Recovered” From Covid?
Infected People Can Test Positive for Coronavirus for up to 3 Months, But When Do They Stop Actually Spreading Virus?
Infected People Can Test Positive for Coronavirus for up to 3 Months, But When Do They Stop Actually Spreading Virus?
Protect yourself by asking up front what your medical visit or test is going to cost...
Why the pandemic is dangerous even for seniors who don't catch the coronavirus.
How people can be billed differently for the exact same care.
Trump and Congress tried to make coronavirus treatment free, but people are still getting big hospital bills when they get home.
Now that we have access to testing, how reliable are the results?
Will this information make a difference? What does the data show?
There are approximately 18,000 units throughout the United States that can run these test kits and Abbot announced that they will begin sending out 50,000 test kits per day beginning…