Medicare Open Enrollment Ends December 7th, Don’t miss your opportunity to make changes.

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is October 15 to December 7. You can enroll in health and drug plans for 2020 until December 7th. Use these 5 quick tips to get ready for Medicare’s Open Enrollment.

Check your mail. You may get important notices from your current plan, Medicare, or Social Security about changes to your coverage or any Extra Help you may get paying for prescription drugs. You’ll also get brochures from companies that offer Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Just remember  — plans aren’t allowed to call or come to your home without an invitation from you.

Review your new “Medicare & You” handbook. It has information about Medicare coverage, as well as Medicare plans in your area. If you’re still getting your handbook by mail, you can opt to go paperless for next fall and download an electronic copy.

Review your current coverage. Plans change and your needs change. Carefully review any materials and changes in costs or coverage that will happen in 2020, and decide if your current Medicare coverage will meet your needs for the year ahead.

Preview 2020 health & prescription drug plans online. Our new and improved Medicare Plan Finder makes it easier than ever to compare coverage options and shop for plans. For a personalized search, log in or create an account (if you have a Medicare Number) to create or access a list of your drugs, compare your current plan to others, and see prices based on any help you get with drug costs.

Get personalized help in your community. You may find a free local event nearby, with health insurance counselors to help you, like your State Health Insurance Assistance Program.

Contact us (Patient Advocate Alliance) and Case Manager Jenn will assist you!  There are several different plans to choose from and we will assist you in this very important decision!  There will be NO CHARGE for this.  It is our privilege as patient advocates to give away a certain proportion of our services and products, and we consider healthcare for older adults of critical importance.


Ms. Jenn Landers | Patient Advocate Alliance LLC
Edited by Dr. Justin Groode