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Blood Type A | Higher Covid Risk

Blood Type A is back in the spotlight as proven to be higher risk for severe Covid disease. This was in the news about 9 months ago, but it has now been confirmed with more conclusive data published in Blood Advances, a digital open-access journal from the American Society of Hematology.

Here’s a very brief overview of the science: The SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain preferentially recognizes blood group A. This means that the Coronavirus has an easier time infecting cells that have the blood group A protein on their cell surface. It turns out that the lung (respiratory epithelium) also expresses the same group A protein, which is very unfortunate.

Hopefully blood type A individuals will meet criteria as higher risk for Covid-19, and will thereby qualify to get vaccinated a little sooner. After all, these individuals account for around 1/3 of the world population.

Justin Groode MD | Patient Advocate Alliance, LLC

Blood Advances, a digital open-access journal from the American Society of Hematology, @ASH_hematology